Tuesday 22 August 2017

Top 5 things not to do while moving your house

Moving your house might be undoubtedly stressful. There are a couple of people who prefer moving on their own whereas the others get in touch with a man and van removals company to get their moving process sorted. Hiring a moving agency can prove out to be a time-saving and stress-reducing process. Moving includes taking dozens of decisions that can leave your head spinning. One wrong decision and you will find yourself in the middle of nowhere.

In order to avoid the chaos moving a house can bring, there are a few things that need to be avoided. Here is a list of some "DON'Ts" while moving.

1.Never hire a mover blindly

Movers need to have an estimate of the size of your home and the type of essentials to be moved. Do not expect a mover to come directly on the day you plan to move and make all arrangements. Meet a number of movers and look for recommendations from family and friends to choose the best one. Give them enough time to inspect your house by planning the move ahead of time. Also, pay attention to the insurance of the mover. Request a certificate of insurance as a proof.

2.Never pack your expensive possessions in the moving vehicle

Things like jewelry, money and other important documentations should not be packed in the moving vehicle along with other stuff. These are the things you need to carry personally. Make separate files and folders for all essential documents and keep everything safe with you.

3.Never move gasoline powered equipment with fuel in them

It is always advisable to drain the fuel before you move any of such equipment. In order to avoid any unexpected accidents related to the leakage of gas, do not start moving a gasoline powered equipment, which has fuel in it. Anything can be refueled once you settle down in your new home. Also, do not pack flammable items or perishables in the moving van.

4.Do not forget to keep your neighbours and post office updated

Drop a notification of a change in address to your post office in order to keep receiving mails without fail. Say a goodbye to your friends, relatives, and neighbours. Also, do not forget to organise a house warming party in your new house to know your new neighborhood.

5.Do not hire a moving agency just on the basis of price

Sometimes, you might have to move a grand piano. This needs skills that might have been overshadowed by the 'price factor'. Do not simply choose an agency on their quotation. Look for the extra skills you might need.

PRO TIP: Do not forget to go back and check all areas of your home closely before your moving truck leaves.

Whether it is moving a piano or moving a home, VIP VAN is a one-stop destination for Man and Van removals. Our services are worth your time and money. Let us help you pack with our hacks now!
Visit our website at www.vipvan.ie.

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